It all started with the goal of Maria Montessori to build the kind of an educational system that is “child centred" and not, teacher-directed. There is a huge difference between the two concepts. The teacher-directed educational system has been going on for decades. It used to be known as the only efficient educational system until Maria Montessori’s dream came in. Her dream was to make the educational system, at least of the pre-level, "Child Centred". In a Child Centred educational system, the teacher follows the child, not the vice-versa. One part of it is to keep a few options of activities in front of the children, explain it to them by performing it yourself and then letting them choose which option of activity do they want to choose. This way, the child's decision- making power becomes independent and free of manipulation of the surroundings. A child, who is of tender age, will only choose for what interests him/ her. If this value is inculcated in your child...